How to Be More Productive when Working from Home: Free yourself from the Chaos in your Office!
Working from home is the dream of many women, however, it may not be as easy and fun as it seems. Who can concentrate when nothing is found? We tell you how to be more productive by freeing yourself from chaos.
To be more productive when working from home, in addition to discipline, we need to have an orderly work space. Grab a pen and paper and review these tips that will help you make better use of your time.
Let's first analyze the reasons why it is difficult for us to stay focused and advance in our work tasks. The distraction of unresolved household tasks, the clutter of our workspace, and our lack of organization are just a few examples. Now let's look at some tips to free yourself from chaos in the office!
How to be more productive when working from home: order and cleanliness
The order of our desk or work table is another fundamental aspect. These are some tips to make the most of the benefits of working from home and become more productive.
- A very good first step is to separate the work space from personal spaces, such as the kitchen or bedroom. This way you will avoid distractions and achieve greater concentration. At first, it will seem strange not to immediately attend to household matters, but you will see how little by little you will be able to put together your work routine.
- Start by arranging all your pens and pencils on one side, your papers on the other, folders and agendas on a shelf or drawer. Boxes are allies of order. Use some boxes and label them to separate work items. You will see how order helps you save time when you get ready to work.
- Try freeing your desk surface from things you don't use as often. The more order there is on your work table, the more order there will be in your ideas. Test it!
- Do a deep cleaning. Throw away all unused or very old papers. Check carefully so you don't throw away anything that still works for you. Try to do this task at least once a month.
- Set specific times to work as it will help you not get distracted. Schedule some 10-minute breaks. You will see how your productivity increases when working from home without you even noticing it!
- A very simple trick to be more productive when working from home is to choose the most comfortable chair. Or if you can, buy an ergonomic chair, the kind used for the computer. If you spend several hours sitting, you will notice the difference.
- Organize your meals in advance. If you want, you can cook sometime on the weekend and freeze in individual portions. You will see how much time you save by having lunch prepared just a few minutes away from the microwave.
We hope that these tips on how to be more productive when working from home help you get more clients and earn more money! If you have any advice you want to share with others, send us a message right here on the blog.
And now a little humor...
Comments (6):
Intima on
Hola Maria del Valle!! Por favor comunicate con nosotros al 1-877-426-2627 para verificar tu dirección. Muchas gracias!!!
Intima on
Se agradece, Carmen!! Es un gusto saber que te han servido nuestros pequeños consejitos. :)
Maria Del valle on
Ya he period mi catalogio 3 vexes y no lo he recibido
carmen on
Me encanto estos consejos..lo necesitaba con urgencia , graciasssssss
Intima on
Muchísimas gracias, Celia!!! Nos alegra mucho saber que es así!!! Esperamos traerte muchos mas!!!! Haznos saber lo que mas te interesa así podemos escribir sobre ello.
Celia De Jesús on
Sus “Tips” me están ayudando mucho en mi negocio desde mi hogar!!!! Gracias!!!!
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