How to Promote Products on Social Networks Long live Facebook!
Today we will talk about how to promote products on social networks. Take advantage of the followers you already have on social media such as Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest to let them know your products and grow your sales!
The time has come to take advantage of social networks to learn how to promote products from your catalog and thus reach more people and, very possibly, increase your sales.
Most people have an account on at least one social network. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are the most chosen. But they are also on Snapchat, Twitter and WhatsApp. The goal: show your products to as many people as possible! (without being annoying, of course) ;)
First you must choose the social network that suits you best. This is easy. Which one do your clients use the most? Is it Facebook? You must be there.
Second , choose how to promote your products. There are two ways to promote products on social networks: paying or with your daily effort.
Let's review some ideas for each way to promote products for Facebook. Another day we will cover more ways and how to promote products on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat and Whatsapp.
How to promote products on social networks: Today, Facebook
First of all, make sure your Facebook profile tells who you are and what you do. Provide your contact information, such as your website address or a business email, if you have one. If you have a business phone number (not your personal phone) you can also share it. ;)
On Facebook you can promote your products in two ways. Free or for a few dollars a day. Let's start with the ideas that are free.
- Take advantage of your group of friends to help you share photos of the products in the catalog and spread the word that you sell them.
- Investigate the different groups that exist on Facebook where people join for a common interest and join. When you see the opportunity, share about your products and your catalog business to gain customers.
- Offer discounts to your Facebook friends and tell them about the specials to encourage purchase.
- Develop interesting content so that more people want to come read your Facebook page. For example, this is an original way to show your products on social networks. Take some selfies or photos of your clients wearing the clothes from your catalog and showing their rooms and put together different collages. It is original and we all like to see our photos.
Remember that the objective of promoting products on social networks is for many people to see them. The more people see your products, the greater the chance they will want to buy them.
How to promote products on Facebook for a few dollars a day
To promote products on social networks like Facebook on a paid basis, you will need to have a business page. This is different from your personal page. You can have both or you can convert your personal page into a business page.
The business page allows you to create advertising campaigns (not the personal one). For example, you can promote a Facebook post for, say, $5 so that more people you don't know see it.
- Select the Promote Post or Boost Post button below it.
- Choose your audience (Country, Age, Gender, Interests).
- If your post has an image make sure it follows the 20% rule. That is, only 20% of the image can have text.
- And that the image is of good quality and of the appropriate size (Facebook recommends when it is just the image, a size of: 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels, that is, square. When it is a link image: 1200 pixels x 628 pixels.)
Ask your friends to like your page and share it with their friends so your community grows. This way you can reach more people. And if you want to get more likes, promote your page with an advertising campaign right there on Facebook.
We hope these tips on how to promote products on social media will help you. And remember: A picture is worth a thousand words. Cheer up! Choose your favorite photos and start promoting products on social networks!
Comments (7):
silvana bacigalupo on
para vender por ejemplo por amazon. yo pongo un product, su foto y caracteristicas ademas de precio. una persona ve esto y le gusta, lo compra. al hacerlo Habra un pago por la mercaderia y un costo de envio. como funciona? ej. el cliente es jose perez y hace la compra por amazon. la venta se produce a traves mio que soy el vendedor pero como se da el pago y luego el procesamiento y envio al cliente asi como esos costos. gracias por la aclaracion.
Intima on
Se agradece muchísimo Celia!!! :)
Celia De Jesús on
Gracias por las ideas que dan para promocionar el negocio de ser Vendedora Independiente de Intima Hogar y Stefano Di Roma.
Intima on
Hola Anette!
Puedes hacer que te llegue a ti y tu se lo envías o tu solicitas que se lo enviemos a tu cliente. Tu le cobras al cliente primero y te quedas con la diferencia. Tu cliente debe siempre comprarte a ti. De todos modos, te estamos enviando un email por si quieres saber mas sobre drop-shipping.
Mil gracias por leernos!!!
Annette Matos Martes on
Mi gran duda o pregunta. Si alguna de esas personas compra el articulo, como se procesa el envio. Me llega a mi y yo se lo envio, lo envían ustedes directamente cobrándole manejo y envio y como saben que fui yo la que vendí , para efectos de mis ganancias?
Intima on
Hola Patricia!
Puedes seguir los pasos que comentamos en este articulo o puedes contactar a Facebook directamente para que te guíen para cosas mas avanzadas.
Mil gracias por leernos!!
Patricia quispe on
Cómo promocionó Facebook íntima hogar
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