How to Work from Home Selling through Catalog without Neglecting Your Family
Catalog sales are very simple and you need very few things to work from home. Discover how to do it without neglecting your home or in your free time.
Thousands of women are looking for new alternatives to working from home because they need to increase their income without neglecting their children. There are also women who have a job but it does not give them enough to pay the bills each month. If this is your case, let me tell you that there are some alternatives to work from home and generate extra income with catalog sales. Forget the myths and discover how to work from home without neglecting your home or in your free time.
How to work from home doing what you like
The first thing you need to work from home is to find something that you like to do, that motivates you, that is easy for you and that you have the resources to do it. This is one of the most complicated parts because not many women are clear about their options.
Catalog sales are very simple and you need very few things to work from home: I am going to list them:
- Catalog or catalogs of products that generate good profits. You can focus on a single brand or go for several that complement each other. Of course, choose product catalogs that motivate you. If you love fashion and are super fashionable, the Stefano Di Roma catalog is perfect for you. If you like interior decoration and have a good eye for helping your clients decorate their home, choose the Intima Hogar catalog. And even better if you like both! The more variety of products you offer, the more you can sell. Another advantage of our catalogs: they are 100% free and you have no obligation to meet quotas or anything like that.
- List of friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances who may be interested in your products. In a notebook list all the people you know. Even though you think they may not be interested, sometimes the best buyer is the least expected. You will be amazed at the length of the list you generate.
- A notebook to write down orders and keep track of what you invest, earn and spend. You will need to have good control over your finances to be successful so from day one start keeping complete records of everything.
Catalog sales
Maybe you think that for catalog sales you will have to go out and go house to house and you don't have the time for it. Let me tell you, that is no longer the case. That's the old way, now you can actually work from home and sell from catalog at the same time. Here are some ideas:
- You can organize gatherings at your house, inviting your friends and asking them to bring one more friend. Serve some snacks and let them choose the clothes or decorations they like best and take the orders!
- You can even expand your client list with friends and family who are far away. You're probably wondering how this is possible, well, you just need to use your social networks and your email or your phone.
- Surely you have many acquaintances on your social networks, who enter several times a day and share the publications they like. When working from home selling through a catalog, you can upload photos of the products you want to promote indicating that you sell them. Whoever is interested will contact you and you can make money from home selling through a catalog. Make social networks help you grow your business!
- Investing in your business is super important since advertising helps a lot. On Facebook you can create ads and, if that is too complicated for you, there is a super simple way, promote your posts with very little money so that more people see them. Pinterest also allows you to promote the products you sell with Promoted Pins .
- Another option for working from home is by creating your own blog or hiring someone to set it up for you. In it you can upload some photos of the products in the catalog that you like the most. The advantage of this option is that not only your acquaintances will be able to see what you sell, if you invest in advertising for your business, so will people who find your blog on the internet. We will put together an article on how to promote your blog on the internet. To get paid for your sales, you can use methods like Paypal and others similar.
Working from home is an increasingly common trend in today's world and many people are taking advantage of alternatives such as catalogs to create their own store and work independently. The biggest advantage is that you can diversify and sell a greater variety of products so that your customers can find everything they need in one place: with you!
Order your Intima Hogar and Stefano Di Roma catalogs totally free and without obligation. I leave you the link: Free Catalog and don't stop reading If you want to sell clothes online, start a blog
Comments (18):
Keishla Cosme Rosa on
Quiero vender productos y por catálogo también
Agueda on
Quiero trabajar vendiendo productos porque me gusta estos productos
Alana suleyka on
Quiero trabajar con el catalogo
Brenda Castilla on
Buenas noches quiero trabajar vendiendo ropa por catalogo
Lourdes on
Me interesan los artículos soy madre soltera y quiero un ingreso extra en mi hogar
Agueda on
Me gust aria vender torque estoy sin trabajo y me encanta vender Ropa
Veronica Montes on
Quiero trabajar en ventas x catalogo
jein marina mejia on
quiero vender intima
Aylin on
Quiero vender por catalogo
Sheila enid Rodríguez casado on
Me gustaría
Buenas tardes :
Vivo en Oviedo, estoy pensando en trabajar desde casa y a partir de septiembre tengo todo el tiempo del mundo.
Me gustaría que me dieran toda la información , de cómo funcionan, envíos de pedidos, comisiones, si dan algún tipo de formación ect.
Gracias. un saludo.
Lídia Jiménez on
Holanda interessa vender por catalogo quieto una superarem fisga lá benta
maria de lourdes garcia on
me gusta intimo hogar yo vendia ante y me gusto
Lorena Del Carmen Yobeni huepaya on
Quiero adquirir el catálogo que sea productos de bebes y para la cocina
Maribel Lorenzo on
Que tiene para ofrecer el estefano di roma
Diana castillo peña on
Quiero vender x catálogo
Sheyla morocho on
Quisiera trabajar con el catalogo
Daniela povea sandoval on
Hola quiero obtener el catalogo de colchones me interesa vender en casa
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We are a company with more than 40 years in the white goods market. We sell the best Coverlets, Bedspreads and Duvets on the market and offer the opportunity to start a business selling our products.
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